Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Climate Change
LaurenClimate change, the exact wording, is not noted. Climate change in ideas is neither noted.
Climate change, the exact wording, is not noted. Climate change in ideas is neither noted.
“This is a book about work. Really hard work. I’m always glad when people raise a fist against the injustices of systems, including pollution and its sciences. But I’d much prefer people pick up a shovel—or a microscope—with the other hand and get to work. Pollution Is Colonialism is designed to show how scientists and others are already working in an anticolonial way. We always already are in L/land relations, and they come out in our methods. Time to start.”
Excerpt From: Max Liboiron. “Pollution Is Colonialism.” (ebook, p. 67).
This initiative by the ICC to ground the history of Environmental Justice in Newark, while creating resilience through education and powerful messages.