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Disproportionate Impacts


In my opinion, something that is ethically wrong with this case is the fact that much of the pollution coming from biomass factories like Enviva are disproportionately affecting Black and Brown rural comminities. These communities experience health issues from the saw dust and can be seen cleaning sawdust off their outside belongings. It is important to see how much thes communities are impacted when looking at biomass corporations.



By establishing for effective communication of information regarding a nuclear accident to other states which could be effected by it, and creating policies for the transfer of information, the convention addresses public health by giving goverments access to the information needed to respond to a nuclear disaster from abroad. 



Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident.  The convention is aimed to take a high level safety in any nuclear activities to prevent accidents  or in the case of the accident happened, minimizing the consequences of the nuclear effects.  Furthermore, the convention is encouraging countries (state) that undertaking the nuclear  activities can exchange information on the accidents in order to gained an internationally  cooperation on nuclear safeties.