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Data direct us


"Instead of treating data as independent sources, we should be asking, Where do data direct us, and who might help us understand their origins as well as their sites of potential impact? The implications of these questions are threefold. For practitioners who want to work with data, understanding local conditions can dispel the dangerous illusion that any data offer what science and technology studies scholar Donna Haraway calls “the view from nowhere.”For students and scholars, attention to the local offers an opportunity to compare diverse cultures through the data that they make or use. Finally, local perspectives on data can awaken new forms of social advocacy. For wherever data are used, local communities of producers, users, and even nonusers are affected." (p. 3)



Newark is notably a more poor community then the rest of NJ. This alarming study comes to show that economic differences can affect the area you live. The problem is that these people probably didn't have enough money to settle anywhere else, and the prices of housing in the ironbound community must be cheaper then other places for the reasons cited, such as air pollution. The community is near the port and industrial area, so it's very hard to get away from the pollution. At least they are trying to keep an eye out for the problems of pollution, and with the help of the EPA, the ironbound community now monitors the air quality.