Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution Climate Change
LaurenClimate change, the exact wording, is not noted. Climate change in ideas is neither noted.
Climate change, the exact wording, is not noted. Climate change in ideas is neither noted.
Protests to demand inclusion as project-affected people
Oppositional mobilizations - “internal to the logic of the project” p153 - so people do not consider something less damaging to the land and animals or a way to do it with less extraction of resources and profit for elite people in Kathmandu or in Europe/the US/China who do not really have to bear any of the cost of it.
The author thinks that information circulated about the shareholder model - financial education - would be helpful - he notes that it would have to be oversimplified and made into financial narratives even though it is a complex socioenvironmental decisions. But his final conclusion is more optimistic. I think this kind of corporate-led education is a big foreclosure.
The certifications, following through with trainings that were asked for, and doing the certification ceremony for an audience
Rhetoric of benefit-sharing
The high levels of buy-in; the quotes from locals themselves supporting the dam and the company, they can honestly boast strong local support of the projects - what better proof than that people have dug up their life savings from the ground to buy the stocks?