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CV YEA Mission Statement


The Mission of CV YEA is "Our mission is to fight environmental injustices in the Central Valley through connecting like-minded individuals". 

CV YEA is based in Fresno, CA and led by Executive Director Kamryn Kubose (interview), who we met during our visit to Golden Charter Academy. CV YEA takes part in Clean Vehicle Empowerment Collaborative. The board consists of master's students and environmental activists based in California.

Lexicon for Just Transitions


"Throughout the volume, we introduce several novel concepts to the EJ debate, and engage with rich debates within the field. Consequently, in this volume, an emerging lexicon provides a rich arena to further understand and address the complexity and holistic basis of environmental justice. Valle uses the term convivial labor in juxtaposition to capitalism, where labor is not a tool of capital- ism but a form of celebration and cultural connectivity. Vasconcellos Oliveira suggests that conditional freedom includes the precautionary principle in decisions to limit effects upon others where working towards a stable climate has obliga- tions and responsibilities that cascade across actions. Further, she postulates the need for sustainable consumption – seemingly an oxymoron – but situated within the context of limiting future injustices through accentuating intergenerational capabilities. Pandit and Purakayastha employ Shiva’s earth democracy to illuminate the contributions of indigenous Indian cultures to furthering vegetal living of con- nectivity and conviviality." (325)



"If I`m driving and I don`t want this bottle in my car..throw it out the window.." (Wolfe line 30) - This shows how easy it is to litter and how there are many people who littler like this individual, disregarding the fact that they may be creating a bigger problem in the near future - lots and lots of trash.

"Residents need to do their part in the cleanup effort" ( Wolfe line 40). - This describes a possible solution the problem. If everyone resists littering and cleans up after themselves and do other things like recycle, the problem may persist but the amount of garbage may be less than the current amount.