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Autoethnography of Industry


The environmental legacies left behind by industrial production are pervasive in the air, the soil, and the water. This elemental elixer surrounds us.

In the field of STS, it is perhaps obvious to suggest that institutions have cultures, norms, standards, and professional ways of being. Yet, what are we to make of the results of industry telling its own past publically. The corporate origin story could be a footnote in Joseph's Campbells work. The allure of the lone individual working tirelessly until an innovation is produced and the market takes over. 

Yet, the Wood River Refinery tells a different story. One about place, about people, about the terrible minutia of life lived within bureaucracy. Yes, the story told is glossy and teleological, but the question emerges. What can be learned about the stories industry tells about itself? What do these artifacts contribute to histories and what weight do we give to these stories within the Anthropocene?

The factory at Wood River is both a place where labor is maximized for profit, but also where worker devote 40 precious hours of their week. Lives persist and even thrive in the factory. Are the stories of these lives at Wood River? 



This epi study looks at multiple organizations that have put together data regarding the respiratory health changes of individuals that were directly affected by destruction of the WTC in 2001. It proposes the problems that are faced by those individuals and the difficulties of treating them and acquiring data about them. This data will not only help these individuals with treatment and education, but can also help with plans for future care if this kind of thing is unfortunately ever to happen again.



This study is published in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (DMPHP).  DMPHP is a journal that is focused on emphasizing public health preparedness and disaster response for all health care and public health professionals globally. Using scientific information that they've gathered, they make it accessible and understandable from medical and public health perspectives. As per the title they study many emergency situations such as 9/11, H1N1, and Katrina.



"The role of epidemiology in disaster response policy development" cites this epi study. This article addresses the role of epidemiology in informing policies after a disaster to mitigate ongoing exposures, provide care and compensation, and improve preparedness for future disasters. It uses our article to support the argument that epidemiology should be used for prep for disaster.



The American Red Cross has about 900 branches, and each club has duly authorized by national council. The chairman of the clubs have authority of deciding the most important programs and services. The annual budget will be allocated by National Associations to each club. There are lots of volunteers, doctors and nurse work for this organization.