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This PDF does not include the bibliography, but it is clear that a lot of the work is original due to his traveling and conducting of research. His citatiosn throughout the chapter indicate that he did reference other knowledgable and notable anthropologists and their work helped frame his argument. 



The main findings of the article are the narratives of the people suffering from epilepsy can follow common "plots"; they have a starting point, cause, and the ongoing struggle with their condition and looking for a treatment/ cure. The narratives are given by the subjects, and can be interpreted differently by each reader. The actual patient experience of illness is subjective and can have social, cultural, and religious aspects tied to them.



The methods used to produce the arguments in the article were ethnographic research, interviews with dozens of subjects suffering from epilepsy or similar disorder from several countries, and analysis of the subjects' narratives from psychological and anthropological viewpoints.  



Byron J. Good is a Professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard Medical School and Harvard University. His current research is on mental health services development in Asian societies, with a focus on Indonesia. He also has interests in the theory of subjectivity in society, and how political, cultural, and psychological aspects affect the subject and experience. Because the author mostly followed chronic diseases in subjects like in this article, he mostly has an overarching view of emergency response, especially if subjects don't involve emergency medical services in their narratives.



Byron Good is a PhD, BD and professor of Medical anthropology. He is a professor in the department of global health and social medicine at Harvard University. He studies psychotic illness, mental health service development and need in post conflict and post tsunami areas. He also analyzes the cultural meaning behind mental illness across the world. He is highly regarded in his field. 



This article mainly notes on the influences of culture on patients and their depiction of their medical history. The way a patient describes a narrative of their illness depends on their beliefs, set of morals, culture and customs in which they are used to and identify with. There is a correlation with the physicality of an illness and how it is perceived by their culture along with the way they depict it to professionals and pursue alleviating the issue. The importance of doctors recognizing this cultural influence and perhaps raising of stigmas is also reported since it can deeply impact the way a patient is taken care of and treated. 



The argument is supported through the use of other work by professionals in this field and on this topic, which corroborate the author's own findings and provide material support for his arguments. Secondly, case studies along with statistics and data are provided along with stories of patients and their experiences in Ankara. Along with interviews and statistics, an in depth background is also provided by the author in which he analyzes the meaning of narrative and explains its connection with culture. 



"Data from this study provide the opportunity for addressing not only problems of medical care and public health, but for reflecting on theoretical and methodological questions central to this book as well."

"As the interviews went on, it became evident that "fainting" is a cultural category often used to describe classical tonic--clonic seizures. However, the term is associated with a more general semantic domain that includes fainting occurring in times of acute distress or in the context of a life of suffering, and is less stigmatizing than the term "epilepsy."

"Narrative theory describes two aspects of plot: plot as the underlying structure of a story, and "emplotment'' as the activity of a reader or hearer of a story who engages imaginatively in making sense of the story. Both are relevant to the analysis of illness narratives."



Most of the methods used include personal interviews with patients in the Middle East, done by Dr. Good. There is also an incorporation of stories, experiences and data provided by other professionals as well as other patients in the Middle East as well. Quotes, first person interviews, expert testimony and data and case studies were all used to support the claims of this argument.