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International Outlook on COVID-19 Impacts in Energy Sectors

Briana Leone

The present report briefly outlines how energy infrastructures have been significantly affected by shifts in consumptions as a result of instituted lockdowns and shelter-in-place. Overall, the impacts of the pandemic have been stressing present energy infrastructures in a way that is unprecedented. Energy patterns have decreased, as far as commercial emissions are concerned, and have worked to highlight the already stressed and vulnerable electricity infrastructures. The foregoing calls attention to the need for measures of economic recovery in the energy field, a move to "electricity secure and resilient energy systems" (IEA, 2020).



"If I`m driving and I don`t want this bottle in my car..throw it out the window.." (Wolfe line 30) - This shows how easy it is to litter and how there are many people who littler like this individual, disregarding the fact that they may be creating a bigger problem in the near future - lots and lots of trash.

"Residents need to do their part in the cleanup effort" ( Wolfe line 40). - This describes a possible solution the problem. If everyone resists littering and cleans up after themselves and do other things like recycle, the problem may persist but the amount of garbage may be less than the current amount.