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  • Misinformation: Platforms (Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Apple App Store and Google Play app store): trying to curb misinformation and directing towards government sources of information.  Facebook giving WHO free ad space.
  • "Matching" Donations: Google and Facebook pledge 7.5 and 20 million in matched donations respectively, to WHO
  • Addressing price-gouging, [I'll need to look into this more] - Amazon
  • At the beginning, tech companies led the work-from-home before it became mandated, and voluntarily closing stores was also protrayed as CSR
  • App-supported delivery services adding non-contact options seems portrayed as social responsibility 


Diego Martin

I think it is an important step, clearly for presenting complaints, the problem will not be solved; we should all do it if we see something of this kind. In addition to the complaints, there are many steps to follow, such as organizing protests, taking care of daily consumption or becoming aware that a sustainable life is better for everyone.