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  • Misinformation: Platforms (Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, Apple App Store and Google Play app store): trying to curb misinformation and directing towards government sources of information.  Facebook giving WHO free ad space.
  • "Matching" Donations: Google and Facebook pledge 7.5 and 20 million in matched donations respectively, to WHO
  • Addressing price-gouging, [I'll need to look into this more] - Amazon
  • At the beginning, tech companies led the work-from-home before it became mandated, and voluntarily closing stores was also protrayed as CSR
  • App-supported delivery services adding non-contact options seems portrayed as social responsibility 


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The Origami Bridge is intended to solve the problem that occur when there are mass destructions with natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes that resulted in the destroy of the local bridge. Whereas the design is aimed to substitute the local bridges with temporary bridge, furthermore to improve the transportation within the area aftermath. The design also considers the time matters during a disaster environment.  


Annotation of

The product is designed in the way that the portable bridge can be expand from a folded mode to a bridge length takes up to across a river. It expanded in a scissor-like (90° turned scissor lift) action, then slides out the decks with end-to-end to provide platforms for vehicles.

This design is “Made of aluminum alloy and steel, it’s lightweight and easy to transport, yet sturdy enough for cars to cross.” [1]