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Navajo Nation (Diné Bikéyah), USA: Setting

Thomas De Pree

On July 16th 1979, the largest by volume radioactive spill in US history took place in Church Rock (Kinłitsosinil), which is located in the southeastern “checkerboard area” of the Navajo Nation (Diné Bikéyah) and northwestern New Mexico. Due to a breach in the former United Nuclear Corporation’s uranium mill tailings dam, an estimated ninety-four (~94) million gallons of radioactive, toxic, and highly acidic effluent spilled into the Puerco River (Brugge et al. 2002; SRIC 2009).

The Church Rock Uranium Mill Tailings Spill marked the disastrous beginning of the end for the uranium mining industry in the Navajo Nation and New Mexico. Ironically, the spill occurred on the very same day as an event 34 years prior that marked the beginning of the uranium boom and the dawn of the atomic age: the Trinity Test of July 16th 1945, “the day the sun rose twice.” (Szasz 1984) Unlike the world’s first nuclear explosion in southern New Mexico, the Church Rock mill spill remains relatively underreported and has not yet registered at a national scale of collective memory.



The Disaster Management Act of 2005 constitutes the responsibilites of the NIDM to be human resource development, capacity building, training, research, documentation and policy advocacy in the field of disaster management. The organization aims to promote disaster management as a high priority in the national goverment. They also aspire to create "a culture of prevention" pertaining to disasters that involves all stakeholders. 



The Minister of Home Affairs acts as the President, and the Vice Chairman of the NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) acts as Vice President. The body of the organiation is comprised of 42 members including secretaries of nodal Ministries and Departments of Government of India and State Governments, the heads of national scientific, research and technical organizations, and eminent scientists and practioners. The governing body of the organization, which runs its day to day operations, is comprised of 16 members, and is chaired by the Vice Chairman of the NDMA, with the Secretary of Home Affairs acting as the Vice President. 
