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Data and EEOICPA


The question of data relates to Denise Brock’s key role in the passage of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). Brock independently collected thousands of documents related to the health of  workers in nuclear facilities like Weldon Spring in her efforts to show that they had been exposed to pathological levels of radiation. In many cases, their employers were fully aware of the dangers these workers faced, but kept this information to themselves or hidden away in the private documents that Denise uncovered decades later. Prior to Denise's work this information was not publically available, and if workers who had become ill wanted to receive compensation for worksite expose, they would have to undergo exposure reconstruction assessments, which--due to the lack of accurate and available data--were imperfect evaluations of the actual levels of radiation workers had been exposed to. Due to Denise's advocacy, which led to the passage of the EEOICPA, workers at nuclear facilities are exempted from the exposure reconstruction assessments and are eligible for compensation payments up to a maximum amount of $250,000, plus medical expenses for accepted conditions.

Denise's experience raises a few questions and reflections on data in the Anthropocene:

  •  Issues like worksite and environmental exposure are often plagued by invisibilities and what STS scholars have referred to as "agnotologies"--where can activists/scholars/any interested party gain access to relevant data in relation to these issues (in a similar fashion to Denise's work)?
  • For historians in particular: do the thousands of documents Denise complied consitute an archive? How can these and similar archival practices be Anthropocenic strategies? 



The educational program in Haiti organized by Handicap International aims to train citizens of Haiti for careers as rehabilitation technicians and orthopedic technicians. The program is designed to provide a recognized degree allowing graduates to work as technicians under the supervision of physical therapists and orthopedic doctors. 



Handicap International brings aid to places dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters. In this case the Rehabilitiation Technicians pogram was created in response to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, during which thousands of Hatians needed orthopedic rehabilitation or prosthetics and there was a significant shortange of specialized medical professionals. The program was created to respond to the need for rehabilitation professionals to deal with the immediate aftermath of the earthquake and the continuing care of those permanently disabled.



This program is one of many run by Handicap International, and supported by the United States Agency for International Development. The program was run at Healing Hands for Haiti (…), with instructors from the Universidad de Don Bosco in El Salvador. 



The program is devided into two degrees with different requirements, the rehabilitation technician degree is 18 months or in-class instruction and practical experience while the orthopedics technician degree is 2 years. Hatian citizens over the age of 18 are allowed to take the course. At the end of both courses the students must pass the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics Exam to graduate.