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EiJ Hawaii Agriculture and Stakeholders


Indigenous farmers - creating food forests that focus on native crops (though they do include non-natives that serve a purpose or simply taste good) and fostering biodiversity/sustainability, also support Hawaii's ability to be self-sufficient (85-95% of food is imported) and the return of native species of animals

Japanese farmworkers - first arrived in 1860s, particularly influential in coffee industry

Filipino farmworkers - 6,000 arrive in 1946

International Longshore and Warehouse Union - includes sugar plantation workers - 1946 28,000 workers strike; again in 1958, 1974 (pineapple workers strike 1947, 1968, 1974)

Agrochemical transnational companies, e.g. Monsanto, Pioneer, Novartis, Cargill - environmental destruction, disregard for regulations on use and disposal of hazardous chemicals, off-site releases of hazardous chemicals from Maui research facility, political lobbying against regulations for GMOs and pesticides

Historic stakeholders - cattle ranchers, monocrop plantations - less common today but their effects on the environment are still very visible

  • Cattle ranching begins in 1809
  • Coffee plantations begin in 1830s (peaks in 1957)
  • Sugar plantations begin in 1850s, peaks in 1933 and again in 1966
  • Pineapple plantations begin in 1880s (Dole plantation established in 1901; peaks in 1955)
  • Many plantations close in the 1990s

Tourism - economic control

Beyond Pesticides - national organization with programs in Hawaii

Maui County Department of Agriculture - newly created to invest in food sovereignty, help move the island away from monocrop pasts by rehabilitating the environment and creating jobs


EiJ Hawaii Agricultural Hazards


Significant pesticide usage from industrial agriculture:

  • "[Hawaii] became the biotech GMO capital of the US after agrochemical transnationals were welcomed to open research fields with fewer restrictions on potentially toxic pesticides."
  • Legacy contamination from past monocrop plantations
  • Research facilities owned by agrochemical companies like Monsanto - potential illegal dumping, off-site releases of chemicals

Runoff from agriculture (even if it contains just sediments and no pesticides) is harmful to coral reefs





Ocean in Amis culture


Did you scan the photos and write down the lyrics?

These are important artifacts that carries memories and stories belong to the grandma and her generation, for instance, their relationship with the ocean, fishery and seafood, etc.

How do they maintain such relationship in the urban setting? What is the meaning of sea to them after living in Hsinchu for decades? Do they feel the difference between the sea in Hsinchu and inTaidung? Why?

Songs as artifacts


There are manu artifacts mentioned in your fieldnote--songs, stories, fishing tools, grocery stores, etc. How do you analyze these artifacts--why and how were they constructed, used? What are the social, economic, cultural meanings/functions of these artifacts? And how have these artifacts helped construct the sense of place and identity of the Naluwan people?

the psychological and material aspects of "home" and "being at home"


What does "home" mean for the Amis? Do material infrastructures play a role in defining the meaning and perception of home? What is the role of Amis women in maintaining the household?…

Place, memories and governance


Interestingly you point out the linear (seeing from the State) vs nonlinear (seeing from the community) dimension. Comparing to Singapore, where government has more authority and coherent plan on urban planning, the Naluwan's experience seems to suggest a different form of governance between the government and the local society. In your prompts, you mentioned Singaporean government's urban planning to create fair housing, greeneries, as well as ethnic policies on promoting integration. I am curious about how you would describe "the sense of community and place" constructed by the top-down authority, comparing to the disordered, spontanious, bottom-up self-assembly mode we saw in Naluwan