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Is the grass ever greener?


I want to continue to support others in their research. I think the ecogov lab is a space to grow as a researcher. I want to continue to be motivated. The ecogov lab has shown me the importance of field notes and why having archiving is important. I hope to make new connections outside of Irvine and continue to connect dots for others.

jtrini1 Santa Ana Annotation


On Wednesday Oct 5th 2022, CUAL (Communidad Unida Aire Limpio) hosted an air monitoring day. Santa Ana residents were asked to volunteer and donate their time. There was three shifts available (Morning 7am-10am, Noon 12pm-3pm, Evening 4pm-7pm). A volunteer will use the app Atmotube and pair their phone up with an air monitor. There are driving routes and walking routes. A person will need to stay at each stop of the route for 7 mins. After the route is done, the volunteer will go back and return the monitor and will then send their data to

This video is a Tik Tok I made about my experience with volunteering for CUAL.…


Alexi Martin

The report's bibliography, while not directly presented, can presume to be very extensive. The atuhor needs evidence to support her argument as well as her field work. Backround knowledge also needs to be supported.


Alexi Martin

The methods and data used to produce the claims in the argument was presenting a problem that is often seen in rural areas-AIDS in Rwanda and showing data that showered a decrease in the problem to show that social conditions affect the likelyhood of being infection with a diease.


Alexi Martin

The article's worked cited is extensive, this indicates that the article is highly researched and supported and that the article is valid. The research rticle took time to produce and is an important cornerstone of researching about human rights speficially gender and humantarism


Alexi Martin

The methods, tools and data used to produce the arguments made in the article are using historical epidemics such as AIDS, TB and smallpox (the benefits and risk analysis to provide vaccines. Through discussing and analyzing these historical events, health officials can discover how to properly assess future data in preventing disease