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This article goes far beyond the enviroment of an EMT. The article discusses the involvemnt of a systematic government that works with the people to discover the most effective way of responding to the events as a whole. She explains the increase in randomness atributted with nuclear disasters compared to other natural disasters. 



"The role of epidemiology in disaster response policy development" cites this epi study. This article addresses the role of epidemiology in informing policies after a disaster to mitigate ongoing exposures, provide care and compensation, and improve preparedness for future disasters. It uses our article to support the argument that epidemiology should be used for prep for disaster.



The chapters' main idea is supported by the use of statistics, historical analysis, and personal anecdotes of immigrants going through the system.

- The literature quotes figures from the Seine-Saint-Denis department. They have collected data that corresponds to the different time periods of ideals and legislation on the immigration policy.

- This discusses the difference in ideals between the time periods over time. It discusses the change from approximately 1974 where the assumption that immigrants were only wanted if they were able to be an active producing member of the workforce to the 90s where compassion was more prevalent.

- The use of the testimonial of the Senegalese man shows the effort put into individuals to use their health as a reason for immigration. As stated by the article, the man had many arguments to try and apply for immigration status, but he heavily relied on his health to be the deciding factor. 




The largest event that affects this organization was the Cold War, becuase it was the reason that it was formed in 1980. The organization cites the first principal of the medical profession — that doctors have an obligation to prevent what they cannot treat. The website states that experts come together to explain the medical and scientific facts about nuclear war to policy makers and to the public, and to advocate for the elimination of nuclear weapons from the world’s arsenals. 


Annotation of

I feel the movie best adresses and audience of problem solvers and legistlaors. It offers up a HUGE problem, adressing it from both sides, as to give as much information as possible. It seems to leave it off in a situation where we either need to reconfigure emergency rooms, or figure out good legistlation to correct the poblem at the core.