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What do you hope to get out of the lab?


I hope to be involved in projects that aim to gather scientific evidence to inform environmental decision making and advocate for greater equity and justice in environmental governance. Through this work, I hope to learn the skills needed to engage in community based research and leverage community knowledge as expert knowledge. In my department, things are often siloed and issues are only seen through one perspective. I really want to gain more experience in collaborating with a wide array of stakeholders to come up with approaches to mitigate the environmental injustices experienced in under-resourced communities.



This article mainly addressed improving the way research is done and published in the realms of psychiatry. The author communicates the value and use of clinical vignettes, saying that randomized trials and standard data collecting do not tell the full story in psychological medicine, and vignettes and anecdotes fill otherwise empty gaps. Overall, the addition of story-telling to research helps solidify researchers’ and physicians’ understanding and communication about mental illness



There were 7 so I did a few:

Suyoun Jung - Researches fragile states, and security, developement and Korea. These places are highly at-risk for disasters and at-risk for difficulties controlling disasters once they occur.

Gulzhan Asylbek Kyzy is working on the impact evaluation of the epacebuilding programme in Kyrgyzstan. These kind of programs could help address less developed countries' infrastructure and systems weaknesses, and if one proves successful, it could be used as a model for future efforts.

Nerina Weiss has a PhD in Social Anthropology and researches Violance and conflict, gender, political anthropology, migration, and torture and social suffering. He work is also very related to what we focus on in developing countries struggling to manage their populations and political atomosphere.



They have incrediable amounts of research over the course of their history. Within the last year, they published a paper on the care for victims of sexual violence. This article address how they have been handling sexual violence over the past decade as well as the pressure it puts on the orgnaization and its need to continue its aid.



The personal stories of the event, especially of the one paramedic whose name I didn't catch (Hispanic, Female). The emotional tellings of the events were incrediably visceral. I cannot conceive a scenario worse than what they had to deal with. 



-“…since the era in which demand for foreign labor made immigration a social necessity seem so remote, the immigrant’s body was entirely legitimized through its function as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by illness or accident.” – Succinctly captures modern views of illness of foreigners.

-Unless his presence constitutes a threat to public order, any foreigner habitually resident in France whose health is such that he requires medical treatment the lack of which could lead to exceptionally serious consequences, and provided that he is effectively unable to receive appropriate treatment in his country of origin, will be granted a temporary residence permit validated ‘for private and family life.’” Ordinance of November 2, 1945; modified on May 11, 1998 to bring into line with the European Convention of Human Rights

-“Should we accept ‘getting our hands dirty’ by agreeing to work with the immigrants’ service of the prefect’s office on the difficult issue of deportations?” asked Charles Candillier, a medical officer in the Seine-Saint-Denis Directorate of Healthy and Social Welfare, in an internal memo. His answer is crystal clear: “Although we recognize the ethical ambiguities of the situation, we did agree, on the grounds that our intervention could only be beneficial in helping to prevent arbitrary explusions.”