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Pödelwitz got future

Annotation of

Pödelwitz is an activist initiative  in the central german coal district, which is located in a village which was supposed to be evacuated for a planned expansion of a neighboring coal mine. After successfully resisting this expansion, the activists now promote social-ecological transformation in the village and the wider region. I will collaborate with them as part of my project in C-urge to study the role of justice in such transformations. Thereby we hope to arrive at an understanding of justice that is not opposed to urgent societal transformation in light of climate change, but a means of achieving this.



This study was published in PLOS Medicine, and publishes studies across the spectrum of medical science. It is peer-reviews, and authors pay a publishing fee. It goes against the “cycle of dependency that has formed between the journals and the pharmaceutical industry.” In 2014, PLOS Medicine was given an impact factor (which measures how often studies published in the journal are cited in other studies) of 14.429, ranking 7th out of 153.



'Most organizations have their own definitions and categories for reporting incidents, which makes comparative research difficult'

'Typically, perpetrators have complex and even compound motives for committing violence.'

'Finally, there are ethical challenges to gathering more data and disseminating research. These range from the universal, such as ensuring that research does not inadvertently do harm, addressing concerns over patient confidentiality and appropriately sharing the findings with research participants, to concerns specific to research in complex security environments'



They have a lovely list on their website

Financially: Securing funding during unstable economic climate. Maintaining and improving their programs that rely on international funding. Having reserves to respond to new emergencies.

Human Resources: Finding experienced and committed staff, and qualified medical staff.

Operations: Security in areas of conflict. Balancing speaking out with accessing populations. Accessing appropriate medical treatments.



The understanding of disasters and their relation to global mental health, both to those who suffered directly from then and to those who were part of the greater community of those who suffered, is constantly evolving. Analyzation of past research and the current methods of study allow the global community to effectively understand and treat mental health on a large scale.



Professor Adriana Petryna teaches Anthropology at UPenn. She focuses on science and technology, globalization and health, and medical anthropology. Her focuses are intertwined with DSTS Network at times, studying incidents of interest such as this article on Chernobyl, and at other times focuses on systemic health issues in socities. 



Byron J. Good, the author of this book is currently a professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard, with his research focusing on mental health services development in Asian societies, particularly in Indonesia. He has done collaborative work with the International Organization for Migration on developing mental health services in post-tsunami and post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia. More broadly, he works on the theorization of subjectivity in contemporary societies.