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Is the grass ever greener?


I want to continue to support others in their research. I think the ecogov lab is a space to grow as a researcher. I want to continue to be motivated. The ecogov lab has shown me the importance of field notes and why having archiving is important. I hope to make new connections outside of Irvine and continue to connect dots for others.

jtrini1 Santa Ana Annotation


On Wednesday Oct 5th 2022, CUAL (Communidad Unida Aire Limpio) hosted an air monitoring day. Santa Ana residents were asked to volunteer and donate their time. There was three shifts available (Morning 7am-10am, Noon 12pm-3pm, Evening 4pm-7pm). A volunteer will use the app Atmotube and pair their phone up with an air monitor. There are driving routes and walking routes. A person will need to stay at each stop of the route for 7 mins. After the route is done, the volunteer will go back and return the monitor and will then send their data to

This video is a Tik Tok I made about my experience with volunteering for CUAL.…


  • “the immigrant’s body was entirely legitimized through its functions as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by prefect, then inscribe in a ministerial circular ion the legalization of undocumented immigrants, and finally translated into the law on entry and residence of foreigners, is of course only one of many regulatory provisions covering the granting of permits.”
  • “Legal recognition of the suffering body had been established.”
  • “Because the allocation of a scarce commodity was locally managed, there were wide disparities in the treatment of applications and hence inequalities of access to a right from place to place. “



Ebola Response Anthropology Platform is anthropologists from all over the world to providing advice by email, calls and web-based dialogues by those working for NGOs, government and international agencies. The platform help to engage with socio-cultural and political dimensions of the Ebola outbreak and build locally-appropriate interventions. There are some resistances of local culture and external health system to control the Ebola outbreak.