No War, No Warming, Build a Just Transition to a Feminist Economy
YvonneThe Grassroots Global Justice Alliance is an international organization focusing on various kinds of injustices. They have launched various programs, including Global Wellbeing, Grassroots Feminism, Demilitarise and Movement Building, aiming at addressing various types of worldwide justice struggles.
The Grassroots Global Movement has gathered Climate Justice Alliance, It Takes Roots, People’s Action, and East Michigan Environmental Action Council to build political power for the frontlines communiteis for 2020 and beyond.
A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy
YvonneThe Grassroots Global Alliance provides a strategy for just transition to a regenerative economy. For the policy makers, this organizations has come up with these questions as guidance:
1. Who tells the story?
2. Who makes the decision?
3. Who benefits and how?
4. What else will this impact?
5. How will this build or shift power?
Framework: Protect, Repair, Invest, Transform. Under each category, this organization presents their demands and solutions.
Five points of intervention: the Narratives, Base Building and Organizing, Policy Development, Electoralization and Implementation, Direct Action.
Green New Deal
YvonneThe Grassroots Global Justice Alliance is aiming at thriving the green new deal. The core of the work of just transiton from this organizations is the principles mentioned in the green new deal.
Essential Elements of High Road Training Partnerships
Yvonne1) Industry Led Problem Solving. This element stresses the importance of rethinking industry analyses in order to create quality jobs. Thinking as industry as a whole enables just transition planners to set industry boundries and lift as much of the industry onto the high road as possible.
2) The Partnership Itself is a Priority. This category streeses the importance of leadership committment as well as problem-solving structure and culture building.
3) Incorporate Worker Wisdom throughout Partnership Efforts. This component stresses the importance of valuing the industry workers' opinions and evaluations, and including them into the training process and partnerships.
4) Industry-Driven Education and Training Solutions. This key element stresses the importance of coming up with appropriate an doable education methods.
The 8 Parternships
YvonneThe California Workforce Development Board is cooperating with 8 other organizations as partnerships to implement just transition.
The Shirley Ware Education Center (SWEC)
The West Oakland Job Resource Center (WOJRC)
Building Skills Partnership (BSP)
The Hospitality Training Academy (HTA)
Joint Workforce Investment (JWI)
The Port of Los Angeles (POLA)
Jewish Vocational Service (JVS)
Worker Education and Resource Center (WERC).
Each organization is partnering with other different cooperations, institutes to implement the plan of just transitions according to the ECJ approach.
The ECJ Approach
YvonneEquity, climate and jobs are the cores of the high road training partnerships. Opportunity and mobility, a stronger economy for high road employers, a more sustainable and resilient environment and community are meant to be addressed with the approach of just transition.
What is California Government Doing?
YvonneThe governor's office of planning and research has put forward the High Road Traning Partnership on June 2018.…;
Morgan: What insights from critical theorizing about place can inform current efforts to understand and respond to the COVID-19
alli.morganI've found myself returning to thinking about/around/within interstitial spaces of care, particularly within hospital settings, interested in how viral activity unsettles the ideas we have around space and boundaries, both biological and infrastructural. In COVID-19 pathology and response, the inbetween, the interstitial, become sites challenge and possibility. With COVID-19, we see an acknowledgment of once forgotten spaces quite obviously, with hospital atria and hallways being reconfigured into patient care spaces, makeshift morgues established in refrigerated trucks, and hospitals spilling out into neighboring streets and parks. More than ever, we see how hospitals are simultaneously bounded and unbounded--the most stable and unstable sites for care. Along this line of thought, what might thinking through hospitals as heterotopia of crisis and deviation afford?
Foucault outlines six principles for heterotopic spaces
The heterotopia is capable of juxtaposing in a single real place several spaces, several sites that are in themselves incompatible
Heterotopias are most often linked to slices in time—which is to say that they open onto what might be termed, for the sake of symmetry, heterochronies. The heterotopia begins to function at full capacity when men arrive at a sort of absolute break with their traditional time. This situation shows us that the cemetery is indeed a highly heterotopic place since, for the individual, the cemetery begins with this strange heterochrony, the loss of life, and with this quasi-eternity in which her permanent lot is dissolution and disappearance.
Heterotopias always presuppose a system of opening and closing that both isolates them and makes them penetrable. In general, the heterotopic site is not freely accessible like a public place. Either the entry is compulsory, as in the case of entering a barracks or a prison, or else the individual has to submit to rites and purifications.
Morgan: Where are you situated as COVID-19 plays out? What backstories shape your engagement with COVID-19? How can you be conta
alli.morganI'm currently based in Troy, NY where I recently completed a PhD in Science and Technology Studies. I'll soon be living in NYC to attend medical school. I can be reached at amorgan14[at]gmail[dot]com
I've long been interested in the disaster of routine medical care in the U.S. healthcare system. As far as COVID-19 is concerned, I'm particularly interested in how the long-term health impacts of intensive care are conceptualized and communicated (including Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS)) and the tensions between acute and chronic illness, broadly.