erin_tuttleThe bibliography suggests this article was produced through analysis of historical events and other works without any new experimentation or data collection.
The bibliography suggests this article was produced through analysis of historical events and other works without any new experimentation or data collection.
The article has primarily been referenced in later works by Paul E. Farmer who has written several other papers and articles on both the medical state of Haiti and Rwanda as well as structural violence in many capacities. The article was initially published in 2006 and has since been published in journals, books, as well as open online collections for use by the sts community.
Emergency response is addressed in terms of post-incident humanitarian aid, dealing with how to identify and help victims of sexual violence without politicizing their situations to the point of forcing them to relive their trauma or making them feel separated from other people receiving aid.
The article primarily discuss the motivations behind emergency response, and how that effects the actions taken by emergency response organizations. The authors claim that emergency response is motivated primarily by nationalism or self-preservation due to the global threat posed by epidemics and other health crisis. The idea of an emergency modality is presented, where rapid response to emerging issues is used as a preventative measure to avoid the spread of a crisis across national borders. The authors claim that emergency modality is the usual protocol for global health organizations due to the funds and resources available after an emergency due to public attention that are difficult to obtain for long term health problems.
There are seven authors on this project, all of whom are connected to research institutes or universities. The project was primarily written by individuals associated with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which has a good reputation.
The World Trade Center collapse was a unique disaster for American organizations to deal with, the aftermath and subsequent investigation into the collapse shows a need for a unified system of authority between investigative organizations. The paper shows the development of his system using several other disasters throughout American history.
This policy has significant implications as to the future of EMS and fire response, if it became common to carry firearms while on duty. While there are safety benefits, and EMS personnel in Bethel Township say they are also more confident knowing they could defend themselves, it is important to recognize that police have extensive training and protocols on when and how to safely use their firearms. Police should still respond to EMS calls if there is any suspicion that the scene may be unsafe. Additionally, the knowledge that calling an ambulance also means calling several people who may be armed could negatively affect the public opinion of EMS. EMS is here to help the public, and for this to be successful those in need have to feel safe calling 911.
The argument is supported through a combination of personal stories, historical changes in protocol, and analysis of the reasons why applicants resort to a medical argument for residence permits. The use of personal stories of applicants highlights the inconsistencies in the process largely due to compassionate bias on the part of officials reading the applications, as well as the resources available in different cities. As the protocols were changed the article shows that while some of the inconsistencies were resolved, the process of determining who can and cannot receive medical treatment necessitates personal judgment which inevitably affects the outcome.
The Resilience Action Plan Team got a grant from the Kresge Foundation's Climate Resilience and Urban Opportunity Initiative and they have the support of the city of Newark to enable their work and possibly shape their way of thinking about disaster and health.