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C-URGE's Inter-Institutional Education

Brandon Costel…
Annotation of

~10 PhD students across multiple institutions are working together with faculty (also from multiple institutions) to advance ethnographic practice can contribute to understanding myriad perspectives on environmental and climatological urgency. Conducting research during the program, students will share perspectives on their individual projects in Africa, Latin America, Asia or Europe. Non-academic partners also contribute to the interdisciplinary and community-engaged training. More on the project overview and objective can be found here: 



1. "But with every explosion that shook the Japanese plant it became clearer: there was nobody -- not in Japan, nor Russia, nor the United States -- who had the relevant know-how, equipment, or strategy to handle a nuclear disaster. No international nuclear emergency response group exists today." pg 194

2. "But in the interest of sustainable, socially legitimate solutions, arguably deisions about even the technical responses to disasters should not be left to scientists and engineers alone." pg 196

3. "While national and international disaster relief organizations have refined their response techniques over the past decades, nuclear emergency preparedness and response has hardly gained traction." pg 200



"The outside world's response to Haiti's continuing cholera epidemic offers a revealing window on this disheartening dynamic"

"The source [of cholera] is clear to public health experts: Cholera was brought to Haiti by Nepalese soldiers quartered in a United Nations peacekeeping camp that spilled its waste into a tributary of the Artibonite."

"The UN has, thus far, refused to acknowledge responsibility for the cholera catastrophe"



Emergency response is not directly addressed in this article, but humanitarian aid is. Through the analysis of this aid, we can see which areas are in need of help and responders. Because humanitarian aid is a form of responders as well, it is important to understand their function in the context of emergencies and crises. It can also be implied that those receiving aid did at one point need emergency response teams. 



Emergency response is discussed a lot in this paper with respect to a global level of care. They analyze the current protocols in place that would create a global response and investigate their effectiveness. The need for a more concrete protocol is discussed as most countries exhibit nationalism and self interest that would inhibit them from helping others. 



While this article does not really address emergency response, the discussion of violent attacks on humanitarian workers does involve emergency responders and can affect how humanitarians provide care. So while not direct, this article does have implications for emergency responders in those regions.