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The main point of this article is that there is a crisis in Canada regarding mental health and suicide. Specifically within the Inuit population, a group of Aboriginal People in northern Canada. This issue has been ongoing for many decades, and despite the calls for emergency and the recognition of a crisis, little work has been done to help and prevent further suicide attempts. 



This app provides information for healthcare providers about radiological and nuclear emergencies. There is a website as well that has more data, images, and background material to supplement the app. The app has extensive information regarding patient care in the case of an emergency. They provide management algorithms, dose estimators, scarce resources triage tools, isotopes of interest, countermeasures (Rx), emergency contact information, videos, and information regarding triage. 



1. Schmid discusses the aftermath of Fukushima and how the workers at the plant lacked expertise in handling this type of disaster, and as a result, retreated. This is an example of the lack of knowledge among workers and lack of an action plan in case a disaster such as the one that occured happens.

2. Schmid points out how world leaders are recognizing the need for a unified and consice nuclear emergency response plan. One of the leaders include Russian nuclear operator, who suggested that international law should force countries operating nuclear plants to abide by international safety standards. 

3. She also points out how executives in the nuclear industry create many rules in order to control the workers. They don't necessarily analyze when, why, and by whom rules are broken, but instead implement more rules. When rule-beinding or judgement calls are made, executives try to conceal them instead of learn from them, which is part of the issue at hand. Improvisation is very important. Especially when it emphasizes the expertise of the executives. During an emergency, improvisation would show what experts have experienced and how well they can lead and cooperate. 



Per Bech - Danish Psychiatrist who provided the author with a story about a patient of his. He is an innovator in clinical psychometrics. 

Journal of the American Medical Association - in 1992 published an article about giving weight to the combination of doctor's experience and biological plausibility. 

Hellmuth Kaiser - a teacher to the author and taught him about fictional cases portrayed on stage. 

Oxford University Press - began publishing a journal devoted to case reports of patients. 

New England Jounrl of Medicine - opened an issue with a case history to highlight patient experience. 

Lone Lindberg - coauthor for Dr. Bech, point out that spontaneous recovery from depression late in life is rare

Leston Havens - psychoanalyst - uses an interesting approach with his patients


  1. I first did further research on Paul Farmer through the PIH website, as he is a cofounder. Through there I also looked at their story and mission to further my understanding of the organization. 
  2. I looked into the Baltimore study further and read some anecdotes and stories about AIDS patients living in the Baltimore area and the circumstances under which they contracted HIV. The concept "survival sex" was used to describe situational circumstance that forced men and women into prostitution. These positions are tied to structural violence, as noted by Farmer in the article.
  3. I read excerpts from one of Farmers other articles referenced in this one entitled, "The major infectious diseases in the world - to treat or not to treat?" This paper was studied among 6 countries and looked at the cure rates among patients with Tb and highlights the need of equal access to care around the world. 


Annotation of

There are many people portrayed and mentioned in the film. They discuss issues within governments and insurance companies. They show patients without insurance struggling to get medication and care. As a result, they express issues with access to care and paying for hte care that they receive. They show doctors and the struggles they have with handling patients and those that come in with the ambulance. Nurses and other ER staff are shown as well. They show narratives of several patients in the waiting room and their experience once they do finally make it to a bed. All of these players have a lot of decisions to make, starting with the decision of the patient ot come to this public hospital (possibly because being turned away from others), and ending with a doctor's care and decision whether or not to release patients. 


  1. "At the same time, academic research is often communicated in a format that fails to address the critical policy issues facing aid organizations."
  2. "Because reporting often focuses on the most serious attacks, such as kidnapping and fatalities, workshop participants stressed that incidents perceived to be less severe, such as threats and obstructions, are more likely to be underreported. For this reason it is important to better understand the impact of perceived threats."
  3. "Workshop participants also noted examples of violence linked to situations where the medical treatment provided has not met patients’ expectations or was unsatisfactory in other ways."
  4. "Although violence directly affecting health service delivery in complex security environments has received a great deal of media attention, there is very little publically available research, particularly peer-reviewed, original research. Only thirty-eight articles met the original search criteria outlined in the methods section, of which only eleven contained original research; a further citation search yielded another four original research articles. The remainder was comprised of review articles, commentaries, letters, or analysis based on secondary sources."