Shivam.PatelNJPAC and the performing arts school are providing relief to communities vulnerable and affected by the hurricane. These people include the homeless, people that lost their homes to damage, and people that lived near the shore.
Shivam.PatelOnce the abandoned waste was discovered, authorities sent trained professionals with the best safety gear to remove the waste from the abandoned home quickly and cleanly.
ArielMejiaNJITThis article presents how Newark is taking precautionary measures to help people affected by incoming Hurricane Sandy. The city of Newark opened JFK Center as a shelter with the help of the Amercian Red Cross. The city also advised business and home owners how to prepare for the storm to avoid minimal damage to their properties. This display of precaution demonstrates how Newark is resilient to incoming storms during hurricane seasons.
Shivam.PatelAfter Hurricane Sandy, John Schreiber, the CEO of NJPAC, announced that he along with the arts center was going to provide relief for victims of the hurricane. This agency is working hard to minimize the damage of the victims of the hurricane
Shivam.PatelBrian Conover, the man convicted of abandoning the waste, had left vials of blood along with needles that still had blood on them. The law requires that he properly dispose of these materials, but he had left the objects in his home when he moved out.
ArielMejiaNJITThis article brings Newark’s water contamination problem up, specifically the amount of lead found in recent studies. Newark’s water was found to have three times the amount of acceptable lead in its tap water, but no specific locations were give as to what places are being affected by this contamination. Newarks Water Department will be required to take actions such as testing public school water supplies, changing lead pipe lines, and maintaining more accurate maintainence schedules and records. By holding people accountable, Newark is changing its vulnerability towards water contamination
Shivam.PatelThe EPA has been working to raise funds to launch this ambitious cleanup project. The EPA has also began looking for solutions to cleanup the polluted waterways in the Hudson River.
Shivam.PatelThe Department of Criminal Justice played a large part in indicting a contractor for illegally abandoning medical waste. If not for their investigation, this issue would not have been resolved.
ArielMejiaNJITThe presented artifact talks about the pollution management in the Passaic River. The water body has been contaminated from previous manufacaturing companies that would dump toxic material into the river. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, "two cleanups of the river have been completed." However, the plan on a third cleanup was created in March of 2016. The state is looking into getting residents back to the river through park creation, education and cultural events which I find great, but a concern of mine is what if the water isn't safe enough? These things have to be taken into consideration because human lives are at stake.