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Citizen science


As I am part of the group working on the Librizol Fire in Rouen, France, I find it very interesting to see and compare how social and cultural structures shape people's actions and options. e.g.: (Non-)knowledge and power hierachies, as well as infrastructures like universities, and environmental organizations; official/governmental actions (top-down) and citizen-le actions (bottom-up), and blurred lines and spaces inbetween.


Alexi Martin

"Pioneers of modern public health during the 19th century, such as Fudolf Vichaw, understood that epidemic dieases and dismal life expentencies were tightly linked to social conditions."

"The results registered a few years later were dramatic:racial, gender, injection-drug use and socioeconmic dispute in outcomes largely disappeared within the study population."

"The idea of structure violence is linked very closely to social injustice and the monarcy of opressions."


Alexi Martin

This article has be referenced/discussed through those looking at gender in the role of humaity by groups who are human rights activists, those who treat people in third world areas. As well as an international outreach website that supports treatment of those who have been abused.