a.elhamamiThe main argument of the article is to show the people why it is important and it should be taken seriously. It is supported by showing the reader just how badly the children's lives are by living in poverty.
The main argument of the article is to show the people why it is important and it should be taken seriously. It is supported by showing the reader just how badly the children's lives are by living in poverty.
The main point of the article was to show the "indirect" racism towards black families financially. It was supported through the use of many statistics and showing that black families are the ones who struggle the most.
To control this is to create more job oppurtunities for black and low-income families.
The author of the article read over the New Jersey's Drinking Water Watch database and read a letter that was sent by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to the Newark Water Department.
The author used the census to gather the information needed to back up his argument on why it is important.
The author used the census to accurately make the statistics needed to back up the main argument.
You can't really control the poverty line because there will always people who fall under the majority income. If everyone had the same amount of money, no one is really rich or poor. If everyone was given a million dollars, the poverty standard would increase along with it. Therefore, coming to a solution towards this problem isn't a one way fix. It is very complicated and has multiple different perspectives that go about it.
To control this is to create more job oppurtunities for black and low-income families.
"There is a large volume of evidence that shows how living in poverty can be detrimental for children, both during their childhood and beyond."
"Poverty can affect every aspect of a child’s development, limiting their social, educational and personal development."
"Child poverty is becoming more concentrated."
"It is no coincidence that the County’s municipalities with the highest child poverty rates are one and the same as the County’s majority-black municipalities. Sixty-three percent of poor families in high child-poverty cities are black."