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This film suggests that physicians should learn to honor and accept that they need to assist terminal patients to accieve their last desires in whatever time they have. It suggests that doctors could learn alot from palliative care practitioners in how they help patients accept their fate and assist them through the dieing process.



1. The article cites the previous successes of HIV/AIDS treatment studies that were applied in both Hati, Baltimore, and Boston. 

2. The article describes the conditions of poverty in Rawanda and how the PIH model was applied there. It cites its successes and failures.

3. The article describes possible ways to incorporate structural interventions into medicine and public health practices



The players featured in this article were the following:

The emotionally disturbed patient who was punched multiple times in the face by the cops from the NYPD and ESU

The NYPD 67th precinct: New York Police Department Brooklyn Precinct, four members, including members from the elite Emergency Service Unit, were accused of roughing a combative patient.

FDNY and FDNY EMS: Fire Department, City of New York and their respective EMS branch. The report was filed by members of FDNY EMS who were treating the patient when they were roughed by PD.



The main arguement of this article is that a large number of factors, such as demographic changes, economic development, gobal travel and commerce and conflict have heightened the risk of international disease outbreaks and international organizations like the WHO and national public health organizations are struggling to develop and adopt new and innovative protocols to cope with new threats.



1) "These studies can help us understand what factors are associated with different courses of mental illness, which can help us identify the most vulnerable populations and inform tailored interventions"

2) "Psychological first aid (PFA) has become the preferred post-disaster intervention, with three goals: Secure survivors’ safety and basic necessities (e.g., food, medical supplies, shelter), which promotes adaptive coping and problem solving; reduce acute stress by addressing post-disaster stressors and providing strategies that may limit stress reactions; and help victims obtain additional resources that may help them cope and regain feelings of control."

3) “Exposure to disasters has been associated with a variety of mental health consequences. Although the majority of individuals cope well in the face of a disaster, a substantial proportion experience some psychological impairment, and a smaller proportion will go on to develop mental disorders.”



1)  “Mismanagement was not the only charge mounted against the Japanese Utility that operated the reactors at Fukushima Diichi, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). In the aftermath of the disaster, international media charged workers at the plant, alternatingly, with a lack of expertise to handle the situation adequately, and with a lack of courage, when they retreated temporarily under the threat of dangerously high radiation levels.”

                2) “But emergency preparedness is hardly ever considered ‘good enough’ in retrospect, especially after a disaster in which so many lives were lost or shattered.”

                3) “Within the nuclear industry, an almost exclusive emphasis on accident avoidance has given way to a new strategy of accident preparedness and response.”