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C-Urge - iniciatives

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C-Urge project is a doctoral network set up to research and better understand the complexity of climate and enviromental change, that is happening on global, as well as on a local scale. 

Through various research approaches set in various countries, we aim to highlight the notion of urgency and need to enrich the debate around the topic of environemtal change, that is both fast, and subtle and poses a serious challenge for the future.   



This article was written by Miriam Ticktin, and Associate Professor of Anthropology and Co-Director of Zolberg Institute for Migration and Mobility at the New School. She received her PhD in Anthropology at Stanford University and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, and an MA in English Literature from Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. Before coming to the New School, she was an Assistant Professor in Women’s Studies and Anthropology at the University of Michigan, and also held a postdoctoral position in the Society of Fellows at Columbia University. Her research primarily focusses on the intersections of the anthropology of medicine and science, law, and transnational and postcolonial feminist theory.



Liberian emergency responders are portrayed in the film as being completely overwhelmed by the situation at hand and unable to cope with the nature of the illness, people's innitial denial to the extreme communicability of the disease, and the sheer number of patients. Most predominantly, first responders are illustrated by 2 abandoned ambulances on the side of a road and by the story of a woman saying that an ambulance was called to a dying pregnant woman and they ended up leaving her on the side of the road for an ebola crew to respond to, which came too late.


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The platforms provides online video sessions with healthcare professionals as well as quick assessments that can be taken anytime, anywhere as well as sensors that can be worn. These assessments are tracked (privately) and turned into graphical data that can be easily analyzed by both the patient and the provider.