Aiden Browne EcoGovLab Annotation 5
albrowneI want to better understand how the local, state, and federal governments work in all aspects. Alongside this I want to see what strategies the government at these levels are implementing regulations/laws and how they conduct community engagement. I want to see what works for them and which actions are most impactful on people's lives. Inversely I want to see the government's weaknesses so that I can understand where I need to respond and act to make it function better. The other vital piece to this is interacting with communities to see what their needs are and learn how to include them in problem solving. This will help me see where the government needs to improve in order to fully address the State’s and Country’s challenges. In participating with the lab I also want to improve my communication abilities. I want to better learn how to share information, how to get information from people, and how to better listen to people in a way that can help me fix things.