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Citizen science


As I am part of the group working on the Librizol Fire in Rouen, France, I find it very interesting to see and compare how social and cultural structures shape people's actions and options. e.g.: (Non-)knowledge and power hierachies, as well as infrastructures like universities, and environmental organizations; official/governmental actions (top-down) and citizen-le actions (bottom-up), and blurred lines and spaces inbetween.



I followed up on the FMD in the 1990s in Europe and how they followed up on the side of industrial meat production. I also followed up and did more research on what the term "biosecurity" actually means. Finally, I visited the website for the Center for Strategic and International Studies to figure out what they were all about.



There was a great deal of primary sourcing involved in producing this report. Additionally, the author used other reports and historical papers to build summaries and historical perspectives in this article.