8. How has this data resource been critiqued or acknowledged to be limited?
margauxfThe index does not include certain neighborhood characteristics critical to health because they did not meet the criteria for inclusion (described in question 3). For instance, this included physician ratios (the number of physicians per 100,000 population) because data was missing for a majority of census tracts. In fact, the steering committee was unable to locate much data on health care access or quality at the census-tract level (only data on health care insurance coverage was available).
The index was previously critiqued in ways that led to a shift from framing data in terms of “disadvantage” towards a framework of “opportunity”. This led to not only a renaming of the index (from “the Health Disadvantage Index to the Healthy Places Index) but also a shift in reporting of data (e.g. highlight the percentage of the population with a BA degree or higher rather than the percentage of population without a college degree).
The HPI is also limited in terms of the effects of confounding, with some indicators with strong evidence of health effects showing contrary associations with life expectancy at birth by census tract. The steering committee has also acknowledged that the HPI might not be accurate for census tracts undergoing rapid population change (e.g. due to immigration, rapid gentrification, or other changes).
The HPI notably does not correlate strongly with CalEnviroScreen, which the steering committee for the HPI noted failed to identify one-third of census tracts with the worst conditions for population health. The HPI is ultimately more centered on considering environmental factors as a part of overall health, rather than as a central determinant. However, this disconnect between CalEnviroScreen and the HPI may also be a reflection of the challenges environmental injustice advocates have faced in linking environmental factors to health outcomes (which might not be as visible and geographically direct as the links between health and other indicators).