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                The main argument Stephen and Andrew make is that the systems for biosecurity interventions at the global level have many issues to address, solve, and improve on in regards to biosecurity, global health and emergency response, health security and modernization risks, and toward critical, reflexive knowledge. 



The main point of the article was that EPA researchers input portable air sensors that monitor levels of particulate matter and nitrogen oxide- pollutants that cause short and long-term health effects and are regulated under Clean Air Act. The goal was to get good on-the-ground air quality data for our environmental justice community. Data that is collected, understood, and used by those being directly impacted by the pollution. This was supported by the input of EPA air sensors installed into the communities. 



This book which the article is from received a positive review from Metapsychology. (

Another well recived review was done by Dr. Duncan Wilson on the Centre for Medical Humanities website. (



The authors talks about Katrina and the failure in leadership which led to a poor response and worse results which impacted first responders. The emergency response did not have the resources or personnel to tackle the problem. The article also looks at the long-term view of emergency response and the failures in current protocol or the lack there of.