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This question is a little difficult to answer due to the lack of bibliography; however, one can infer that the author conducted interviews or found interviews which were conducted by third parties as a portion of his research. The author also appears to have researched laws in France and the rest of the European Union.



There was a great deal of primary sourcing involved in producing this report. Additionally, the author used other reports and historical papers to build summaries and historical perspectives in this article.



The authors pulled information from a variety of sources and tools. They pulled from information procured by their non-profit, Partners in Health as well as from other research articles. Some of them are also on the ground level, treating and interacting with patients who are symptoms of their structural violence argument. These patients are able to provide first-hand information to the authors.



Dr. Schmid used a variety of sources and methods to produce her report. She pulled a lot of information from other essays, whether they be directly relating to the Fukushima incident or nuclear safety and preparedness in general. She also conducted communication with a number of other researchers and experts in the field. Additionally, she pulled a great deal from IAEA documents and US NRC publications.