joerene.avilesThe program is part of the SUNY system located at the University at Albany.
The program is part of the SUNY system located at the University at Albany.
Emergency response isn't addressed in this report. This report deals with higher-level policy and morality issues.
"The impaired body, the body unable to produce, was socially illegitimate, then."
"By analogy with the therapeutic mesasures applied at the end of life for patients suffering from illness deemed incurable, we can describe the measures and procedures devised to allow foreign patients without residence rights to stay in France, receive treatment, and have their living costs paid, as a compassion protocol."
"The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit."
The main findings in the article include the development of mental health disorders in disaster victims, looking at risks, psychopathology, course of the disorders, prevention, treatment and recovery.
The stakeholders are Dr. Atul Gawande, other healthcare professionals, and the patients with terminal illnesses. They have to decide what the patient's priorities are, treatment options, and basically how much time and quality of life patients are willing to trade for extended years to live. Is the treatment making the patient worse or better? Doctors have to put themselves in a position of vulnerability by personally getting to know their patients, and deal with the guilt and blame if their treatments aren't successful or what they had said to the patient's family.
1. Under private equity ownership, some ambulance response times worsened, heart monitors failed and companies slid into bankruptcy, according to a Times examination of thousands of pages of internal documents and government records, as well as interviews with dozens of former employees. In at least two cases, lawsuits contend, poor service led to patient deaths.
2. “Private equity has, in this case, threatened public safety,” said Richard Thomas, the mayor of Mount Vernon, N.Y, which relied on TransCare. “It’s not the way to treat the public.”
3. Do the Write Thing “didn’t sit well with the firefighters,” said Nico Latini, who has worked at Rural/Metro for a decade. “We operate under a high level of integrity and we do the right thing every day — with an R, not a W.”
UN - potentially caused the cholera outbreak, organized/managing response to the cholera outbreak without acknowledging responsibility for it
Pedro Medrano - UN coordinator for the response in Haiti
USAID - donor of approximately $1.5 billion since earthquake, uses international contractors to rebuild Haiti
Health Ministry - part of the Haitian govt. that manages country health and vaccinations
Ban Ki-moon - won't acknowledge possible UN role in creating cholera outbreak, UN Secretary-General
Haitian Government - currently undergoing disruption due to a change in terms of its Senators and disagreements between parties
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This article used data from Baltimore about AIDS care, and the authors' research in Rwanda, discussing results from the Partners in Health structural interventions and comparing them to produce their claims.
Doctors without Borders is comprised of physicians and other healthcare professionals. They also have some support staff workers who take care of clerical things so that those in the field can have the best support and deliver the best care possible.