BIO: How are bodies (human and non-human) in this setting differentially impacted by current and historical forms of land tenure, management, and use? How are these embodied inequalities naturalized, racialized, homogenized, erased, and/or politicized? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
TECHNO: How does technology enable particular kinds of land use? What technologies are used to produce data about the setting and its use? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
MESO: What groups, networks, and publics seek to participate in land and resource governance? What forms of political organization have been developed in order to call for or enact particular forms of land management? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
DATA: How & what kind of data is being produced, visualized, inscribed, authorized, disseminated, and mobilized to shape future land use? What data infrastructures have been developed, are being developed, or are perceived as necessary for land managment? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
GEO: How have geologic characteristics of this space shaped what kinds of land use are possible/feasible? How have varied forms of land use marked, shaped, and marred the landscapes of this setting? What anthropocenic conditions exist in this setting? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
ECO-ATMO: What effects do current or historical forms of land tenure, management, & use have on the ecological health of this place? What ecosystems are depended on, protected, or compromised to enable certain land uses, & how is this recognized (or not)? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
MACRO: What forms of land tenure have existed historically and exist in the present, & how have these shaped land use & management? What historical, economic, political, & cultural conditions have shaped property & land management regimes in this place? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
EXDU: What forms of education about land use and management exist in this space, and who provides this education? By whose logics and practices is this education organized? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use
NANO: What cultural frames & dispositions shape what types of land use are considered desirable, possible, or morally good? What data, forms of analysis, and modes of expression are persuasive & consequential regarding land use decisions (and to whom)? Quotidian Anthropocene: Interrogating Land Use