ECO-ATMO: How are other-than-human actors (including the virus itself) implicated in COVID-19 data? COVID data, systems and scales
GEO: How does COVID-19 data support or undercut characterization of Anthropocenic risks? COVID data, systems and scales
ECO-ATMO: What role is data about air (air quality; air flow) playing in discourses of COVID-19 transmission, preparedness, risk? COVID data, systems and scales
NANO: What cultural frames and dispositions constitute COVID-19 data in this setting? COVID data, systems and scales
DATA: What counts as COVID-19 data? How do they (or do not) constitute COVID-19 as disaster in specific settings? COVID data, systems and scales
TECHNO: What are the infrastructures that COVID-19 technologies are built on? How are they transformed, repurposed, monitored, governed and planned for? COVID data, systems and scales
EXDU: What educational and research programs (formal and informal) produce COVID-19 data capacity in this setting? What data expertise is available or emerging, for example as “vernacular” risk assessments? COVID data, systems and scales
MICRO: What are COVID-19 data practices? How do they produce (or undercut) data work and capacity in this setting? How are data gaps worked around? Is data activism encouraged or supported, for example? COVID data, systems and scales
BIO: How has COVID-19 data (or lack of) impacted people in this setting (subjecting them to health risks, to over-research or invisibility)? What human health impacts and indicators does COVID-19 data account for and address in this setting? COVID data, systems and scales
MESO: What groups, networks, publics and informational authority are implicated in COVID-19 data work, governance and capacity in this setting? How do counter-narratives become incorporated by different actors COVID data, systems and scales