How are corporations casting themselves as socially responsible actors within COVID-19? COVID-19 project ahared questions Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about foreclosures caused by CSR initiatives? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about strategies - discursive, social, scientific, political economic, etc -corporations use to convey their responsibility, ethical standing and contributions to the social good? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways corporate actors see CSR initiatives as "helpful," especially to a marginalized Other? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR initiatives define and enact "the ethical" and "responsibility"? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR initiatives position corporations as governance actors -- with the authority and mandate to shape conditions for (what counts as) democratic order, prosperity, the social contract, etc? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR has continually reconfigured since the 1950s? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility