What is the relationship between decarbonization and plastic production? How does this relationship manifest materially? Analyzing Formosa Plastics Petrochemicals and Green Tech
How are corporations casting themselves as socially responsible actors within COVID-19? COVID-19 project ahared questions Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about foreclosures caused by CSR initiatives? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about strategies - discursive, social, scientific, political economic, etc -corporations use to convey their responsibility, ethical standing and contributions to the social good? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways corporate actors see CSR initiatives as "helpful," especially to a marginalized Other? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR initiatives define and enact "the ethical" and "responsibility"? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR initiatives position corporations as governance actors -- with the authority and mandate to shape conditions for (what counts as) democratic order, prosperity, the social contract, etc? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility
What does this text say about ways CSR has continually reconfigured since the 1950s? Pei_L Reading Corporate Social Responsibility