JAdams: Cimate, COVID-19, and Racial Inequality
jradams1This Blog Post ties together an analysis of societal impacts of climate change, pollution related illnesses, racism, and COVID-19.
This Blog Post ties together an analysis of societal impacts of climate change, pollution related illnesses, racism, and COVID-19.
The article dicusses how the UN has caused major health issues but is not being held accountable by the court's decision, so that is a clear injustice for Haiti. Additionally, the only money that goes directly to Haitians to spend in the recovery has been spent on helping increase children's immunizations rates and increase HIV medical treatment, so they have shown some ability to help themselves when given the resources.
The article reveals the Indian Point Disaster's arounding situation which is without any specific nuclear emergency plant. It descripes the different views of communities and shows the area in 5 miles radius to contrast the public emergency response should be urged and expanded. The lack of nuclear emergency response and resisdents education are should be improved by government.
It addresses concerns over safety of a potential nuclear disaster at Indian Point, as well as how many emergency response districts feel unprepared in education, manpower, and funding for prepartation and response to such an event.
This article shows how some communities that, in the opinion of the Disaster Accountability Project organization, are within an effective radius of a nuclear incident at Indian Point and have little or no emergency plan for this kind of event. This is primarily due to these communities not having the knowledge that they could be effected by an event of this nature if they are over 10 miles away from the plant. Also, many of the communities that said they had not undergone any studies in relation to the plant's effects on their own community or developed any emergency plans because they cannot without federal aid. These counties and towns are not well-enough informed and are lacking the funding from the government in order to provide for their own safety if a nuclear accident were to occur
The article discusses how public health crises can suffer from lack of funding due to a number of reasons including organizations not taking responsibility for their actions, inefficient use of resources, and difficulty in fundraising. It also talks about the difficulty of holding international groups accountable for their actions, that warrant an emergency response, in a nation.
The main public health issue mentioned in this article is the cholera epidemic that was caused by UN Nepalese workers, and the lack of accountability by the UN. The article discusses how the UN is "immune" to a court's decision, despite its obvious injustice for Haiti. In spite of the distrust by world leaders and NGOs on the Haitain government to handle a trust fund meant to help its citizens, the money that has gone directly to them has been used to increase childhood vaccination and save HIV patients. This shows their ability to manage funds and the issues that arise when allowing people overseas to handle the money meant for efforts in Haiti.
The article specifically highlights the failure to utilize all the resources given to Haiti after the earthquake. It specifically focuses on how monetary donations have been improperly managed, and how several mitigating factors forced this money to be basically wasted. Moreover, it explores why donors are now hesitant to invest in combating the newest plight (cholera) and why UN peacekeeping forces hurt more than helped recovery efforts.
The article notes the U.N.'s role in the cholera epidemic that killed thousands of Haitians and government and societal factors that lead to Haiti's lack of major improvement after the earthquake. Another public health issue that was mentioned was, "the only part of the Haitian government that receives direct funding from the U.S. government, the Health Ministry, has racked up impressive post-earthquake gains in childhood vaccination rates and access to lifesaving HIV treatment".
This article addresses public health in that Haitians do not have access to the healthcare they need due to the current state of their government.