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The received data can be managed and visualised into charts or map tiles (e.g. open street maps or satellite maps). The data is visualized in the panel of “Visualize Your Story “with four modes of visual features.

  • Branded Deployment
  • Map Mode
  • Timeline Mode
  • Activity Analytics Mode


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Multiple maps: Map tiles including street and satellite provided by Open Street Maps, MapQuest, and more
Data sources: Map and visualize data streams from third parties like Twitter, Twillio, SMSSync, Nexmo, FrontlineSMS, and email
Configurable charts: Chart your work with configurable bar and timelines views


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The data is presented much like on Twitter or Facebook with a timeline showing the most recent information first with a small exerpt of the article and the ability to click on a "read more" button to view the article in full.


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The data is mainly visualized in report form. There is also a section of the site where data and statistics that have been confirmed are written out separated by disease/disorder type. So in the "what we know" tab PTSD, depression, tobacco use, asthma, lung function, respiratory issues, heart disease and adolescent health are separated into different sections with confirmed disease rates, correlations and numbers listed beneath each section. The same group that runs this registry in terms of research, called the 'WTC Medical Working Group' also provides links to other current studies on the matter, some of which they have partaken in. 


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Data visualization is primarily determined by the type of data being gathered and the system for data collection being used. The app integrates data in order to both make large quantities of data easily viewable and understood, as well as compare studies with existing data stored on the system.