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Annotation of

The functions of the system are built based on a modern PHP stack. The user interface is built with JS, HTML and CSS. Therefore, the development can be supported by the code libraries. And hence it is an open source software, user can customised the structure to match the user habits. Volunteers are also welcome to integrate the system.


Annotation of

This site runs like any run of the mill website. If there are any issues or questions about the website there is contact information provided to seek assistance with the site or ask questions regarding the information. 

By phone: 866-692-9827
By email:
By fax: 347-396-2893
By mail: WTC Health Registry
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
42-09 28th Street, CN 6W
Queens, NY 11101-4132


Annotation of

The technical aspects of the site are quite complex, as the system has over 1,000 active data sites to compile in addition to the reports and reviews stored. The data collection software is the main function that the software supports as it relieves the users from needing their own data bank to work off of.  The publication functions are also supported by the storage system of the app allowing all users to access all publications.


Alexi Martin
Annotation of

The functions are technically supported through operational analytics- chemical data points that allow more guidelines and recovery plans to be built, a secure infrastructure that allows easy and secure transfers of information for health records and payments, coordination of care between healthcare providers at a touch of a button.