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EiJ Ethylene Oxide Laws and Policies


The main concern with EtO exposure includes inhalation. Laws that regulate air emissions have invariably affected and regulated this hazard. But specifically, below is a rough outline of  laws that directly impacted the air emissions of facilities processing EtO: 

  • Clean Air Act Section 112, Hazardous Air Pollutants. The CAA regulates Ethylene Oxide under section 112 of the CAA. The CAA labels EtO as a hazardous air pollutant. Under the CAA, EtO emissions can be regulated in conjunction with promoting the best emission controls.

  • Regulations on Sterilization Facilities (From Federal Register : National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigation Operations) 

Note, fugitive emissions have not been standardized by the EPA, including back vents, emergency ventilation etc.

duygu annotation

Duygu Kasdogan

On July 3, Selim Badur has interpreted this report (Açık Radyo - Korona Günleri programme) by drawing attention to "two interesting points":

1. The highest incidences were seen in persons aged 80 years and older but the second cluster includes persons aged 25 to 49 years (49.4%). 

2. In the world, it is said that men are infected more than women. In Turkey, female cases aged 15 to 24 are more than male cases.

National Health Institute


1. The INS publishes this data after gathering results from the rest of the country.
2. This informations supports government´s decisions on quarantine, projections and bringing normal life back.
2. The INS has criticized the results of tests received from some regions. They argue that they are not well handled and they must not to be reconfirmed.

Heinsberg Study Controversy


The district of Heinsberg was the first and hardest-hit region in Germany (250,000 inhabitants, 1615 infections, 55 deaths). In early March, scientists launched a wide-ranging household study in the community of Gangelt, turning the region into a COVID-19 "laboratory" for further predictions. In mid-April, the leading virologist Hendrick Streeck announced that the infection rate was at 15 percent, indicating the beginning of "herd immunity." He was criticized by Christian Drosten, a well-known virologist based in Berlin, for early publication of the findings, which he considered too vague. 

California Reality Check on COVID-19 Math

Kim Fortun

"A reality check on the math': What's ahead for California and Covid-19." Guardian, 8 April 2020

"California officials this week described a “slow and steady increase” in confirmed coronavirus infections, predicting that the peak of the state’s outbreak will occur in mid to late May. Andrew Noymer, an associate professor of public health at the University of California, Irvine, explained what was behind the state’s projections – and what Californians can expect next. ... Earlier projections estimated California would see its peak in mid-April. ... Vaccination would be a huge game-changer, but that looks 12 months away or more. So we all need to steel ourselves for doing this at least up until 1 June and potentially longer."



Several leaders from various New York State agencies convened to outline plans for this policy. This included Governor Andrew M Cuomo, State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker, State Police Superintendent Joseph D'Amico, Port Authority Executive Director Pat Foye, and representatives from health care centers and agencies around the state.



The NYS Ebola Preparedness Plan was developed by the Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York State Police, Office of Health Commissioner Howard A. Zucker, and various hospitals throughout New York and New York City.


Alexi Martin

The policy was drafted by senator Bob Hernadez and Carolyn Maloney as well as 9.11 victims and survivors and for Mr. Zadragra whose death is considered the 'first' death as a direct cause of 9.11. Others who drafted the bill was senators Schuner, with members of Congres Nalder and King and the president of the interantional association of fighter fighters Harold Schittgerer.