TAISE's Plastics Forum
tschuetzThis forum was organized by the Taiwan Instiute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) in the context of the United Nations Global Treaty on Plastics.
This forum was organized by the Taiwan Instiute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE) in the context of the United Nations Global Treaty on Plastics.
This event was the City Council meeting for the City of Santa Ana on february 15th 2022. The meeting took place in the city of Santa Ana council chambers. This meeting was organized by the city and city council. The purpose of this event was to award community members, pass agenda items, and listen to community concerns.
This event was held at the University of California, Irvine in-person on campus and over Zoom. "This seminar will focus on harms caused by the operations of Formosa Plastics Corporation in Taiwan, Vietnam and the United States, focusing on coastal communities. Panelists include people who have spent years working to address these harms in different ways." (DisasterSTS). The lead organizers include Tim Schutz and Kim Fortun.
The event was held over Zoom (but was primarily for and about workers in Santa Ana, CA) and was organized by the Labor Network for Sustainability.
No, Smart Guardrail is a concept design, and have not been implemented yet.
I cannot find any information that Live Box is implemented. It might be manufaturing or use in the future. It could be a good product for helping people after a natural disaster.
This design not yet implemented to any case in the report, but from the tests they did with the fields, the design is said to be successful in its aim and application.
This designed win the national James Dyson Award, and not sure it is implemented yet or not. But I think this product could be implemented and just depend on the cost of the manufacturing.