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Tanio, N_Learning_Outcomes


Spring 2023 - to continue to learn, build, create experimental collaborative research methodologies with EcoGovLab participants.

To write (collaboratively) an article on collaborative methodology practiced within our lab.

To learn to negotiate incommensurabilities better while also developing ways to bridge difference, first in lab practices and second in engagements with other ej practitiones.

TebbeM Learning from EcoGovLab


I want to build my familiarity with a wide variety of different cases (in the room right now, we have people with expertise on: Austin, Louisiana, London, Orange County/Santa Ana, La Puente, and Delhi, among others) and my ability to think about how these cases can give insight on the places I am interested in.

Expertise, capacities, and skills I'd like to learn


Continuing to expand my capacity to communicate my research and engage with others in addressing shared research and advocacy commitments--particularly in respect to questions around building public health capacities for engaged research and recognition of plural forms of evidence and expertise. Also start to make better use of PECE. Sharing research and advocacy resources--relationships, ideas, words, questions, stories ...

Aiden Browne EcoGovLab Annotation 5


I want to better understand how the local, state, and federal governments work in all aspects. Alongside this I want to see what strategies the government at these levels are implementing regulations/laws and how they conduct community engagement. I want to see what works for them and which actions are most impactful on people's lives. Inversely I want to see the government's weaknesses so that I can understand where I need to respond and act to make it function better. The other vital piece to this is interacting with communities to see what their needs are and learn how to include them in problem solving. This will help me see where the government needs to improve in order to fully address the State’s and Country’s challenges. In participating with the lab I also want to improve my communication abilities. I want to better learn how to share information, how to get information from people, and how to better listen to people in a way that can help me fix things.

What is the setting and purpose of this event, and who organized it?


This event was the City Council meeting for the City of Santa Ana on february 15th 2022. The meeting took place in the city of Santa Ana council chambers. This meeting was organized by the city and city council. The purpose of this event was to award community members, pass agenda items, and listen to community concerns.

What is the setting and purpose of this event, and who organized it?


This event was held at the University of California, Irvine in-person on campus and over Zoom. "This seminar will focus on harms caused by the operations of Formosa Plastics Corporation in Taiwan, Vietnam and the United States, focusing on coastal communities. Panelists include people who have spent years working to address these harms in different ways." (DisasterSTS). The lead organizers include Tim Schutz and Kim Fortun.