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EiJ Ethylene Oxide Data Divergence


Mainly stark contrast can be found between the EPA and various state and chemical manufacturing companies in terms of data divergence. The main concern surrounding EtO is the elevated cancer risk that occurs with long exposure both direct and indirect. The ways in which the EPA and other companies and agencies assess risk have been different in terms of unit quantity. The EPA utilized in 2016 the Integrated Risk Information System to model cancer risk. According to the American Chemical Council the, “ACC believes the value is significantly flawed.” Also, the Texas Commision on Environmental Quality has stated, “ ‘the US EPA unit risk factor (URF) for ethylene oxide is not scientifically justified.’ ”. This has led the TCEQ to raise its exposure limit from 1 ppb to 2.4 ppb.

Reading Azusa photo essay


The photo essay captures the complexity of place and the intersectional challenges embedded in everyday life in Asuza. In particular your discussion of encampments (a problem endemic to the wilderness areas in the Foothills as well as urban areas like washes, and under freeways) is much appreciated because it is something residents encounter all the time and yet there is a generalize silence about this topic. 

I feel, as in all our work on the SGV, the greater Los Angeles metropole has such an huge influence on the area--on traffic, the housing market, schools etc. I would like to see this essay embedded within multiple studies of Southern California, including mapping projects that connect it regionally to other communities as well as locally enmeshed institutions that shape the daily lives of local inhabitants.