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News Article: EPA's Formosa 'scoping' draws 200

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Article is about 6-hour EPA "scoping meeting" for an EIS on proposed Formosa complex in Wallace. Citizens brought issues and concerns the study should address. Parish officials were counting on a PVC plant as part of the $2 billion complex, though at this hearing Formosa denied that the company had plans for a petrochemical complex. Article talks of how parish officials, businessmen, and the Port of South Louisiana are in support of the plants, with St. John Parish's finance officer, Kent Broussard, claiming the two facilities would bring the parish $84 million in tax revenues over 25 years. Many praised their reputation, while environmentalists brought forth a different narrative, citing a recent protest in Taiwan outside Formosa's corporate headquarters.

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<p><span style="color: #000000;">L'Observateur</span></p>