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The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study that the authors reference and model their call to action around is the worlds' largest scientific effort to quantify trends in health. It is lead by the Institute foe Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. It began in 1990 as a World Bank-commissioned study and is known for having introduced the disability-adujusted life year (DALY) as a new metric to quantify the burden of disease, injuries, and risk factors (or determinants), and enable comparisons. 

The 1990s were  a turning point for global health structures of governance and knowledge production, which the GBD study exemplifies. Global health experts began increasingly reframing health and healthcare in technical terms like DALY, removing health from public governance in ways that complemented and bolstered structural adjustment policies that were introduced in the 1980s (Janes 2004). As a result of these policies, the size, scope and reach of healthcare delivery and public health services were steadily reduced and downgraded. Anthropologists have been critical of these processes and other perceived failures in global health: the collapse of primary care initiatives fostered at Alma Ata in 1978, the resurgence of selective forms of primary care and vertical public health programs, and the ascendency of the World Bank as the principal health policymaking institution (Janes 2004, 2009).

Janes, Craig R (2004). "Going global in century XXI: medical anthropology and the new primary health care." Human Organization 63, no. 4: 457-471.

Janes, C. R., & Corbett, K. K. (2009). Anthropology and global health. Annual Review of Anthropology, 38, 167–183. doi:10.1146/annurev-anthro-091908-164314

What steps does a user need to take to produce analytically sharp or provocative data visualizations with this data resource?


The main page on the site immediately directs you to a search bar where you can search for a state agency, topic, or keywords. There is also a guidebook and a public open data training video for a user to learn how to find data and produce data visualizations.

What data visualizations illustrate how this data set can be leveraged to characterize environmental injustice in different sett


This figure shows a smaller window open within the California State Water Resources Control Board page on Cal Open Data Portal, providing straightforward access to an Excel document displaying a dataset within the state 2019 water quality status report that sampled 1,2,3-trichloropropane, a drinking water contaminant.

How scales (county, regional, neighborhood, census tract) can be seen through this data resource?


Cal Open Data Portal draws data from state agencies. Census tracts can be searched for, for example, searching for Census Tract Disadvantaged Communities 2018, opens a synopsis and map showing each tract and its attributes. However, some of these data sets are linked to GIS programs, meaning they could be layers that are created to add to a map, making it difficult for non-GIS users to navigate and understand. In an attempt to provide assistance with this measure, the website provides a guidebook and a public open data training video for a user to learn how to find data and produce data visualizations. 

What data is drawn into the data resource and where does it come from?


California Open Data Portal is designed to host open data from more than one state agency and aims to link all existing state portals in order for California's open data sets to be easily searched for from Open data or public data is collected through the state's routine business activities and is published in a way that is simple to search for, download, and combine with other data. Open data does not include private or confidential information on individuals.