jaostranderThis article addresses public health in that Haitians do not have access to the healthcare they need due to the current state of their government.
This article addresses public health in that Haitians do not have access to the healthcare they need due to the current state of their government.
The main point of this article is that because of political and economic issues/ disagreements the people of Haiti continue to suffer from cholera and help is not in the near future. The author supports this point by bringing up statistics from the political turmoil of Haiti's government, money and support the UN has given, money from USAID, and support from the Health Ministry.
The author conducted their research by obtaining information and statistics from international, government, and private institutions/organizations.
This article claims that after the disaster and initial relief efforts Haiti has not changed for the better and is "back more or less to normal." However many Haitians are suffering from cholera after a water polution mishap with the United Nations initial relief efforts.
"So as Haiti approaches the fifth anniversary of its cholera epidemic later this year, the main hope for eradication rests on political and legal pressure on the U.N. to come up with the money."
"With few exceptions, donor nations and nongovernmental organizations insist on keeping control of their projects, which are set according to their own priorities."
I followed up on the state of the Haitian government, the court case, and looked up more details about the USAID.