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Alexi Martin

Technical professionals can make use of data from this study to persuade the WHO of the need of global health prevention, through use of gathering supplies, placing infrastructure, and increasing the country's virability in terms of economic and health status. This study can be used to prevent dieases, prep for natural disasters and stree the need for cures for aliments common to these countries.


Alexi Martin

This study has travelled worldwide. It has been cited in other government websites, in other epilogical studies to support  why diease spreads after flooding. It is used to support preparation for natural disasters. It has been cited by worldwide health officials in their health journals.


Alexi Martin

The methodology of the study involves looking at past epidemics in the world countries and connect the dots. How did these epedemics happen? Due to a natural disaster? Okay why? Looking at factors that cause each epidemic and trying to discover a parallel. While this is not a new way of studying an issue it is an inventive way because it can be a new way to treat global epidemics: through disaster preparation.


Alexi Martin

The study is published under emerging infectious diseases from the CDC. The CDC publishes important information about the possibility of widespread infection (such as Zika) and offers ways to avoid outbreak and prevent further infection. The publication is very credible necause the CDC is cited by the government and on various news sources as a way of staying 'safe' from diasese.


Alexi Martin

The object of the study is the evidence in an increase of various types of epidemics (cholera, malaria, menigitis, tetnus, etc) due to displacement of a populatoin from a natural diasaster. Examples of natural disasters discussed include- hurricanes, cyclones, earthquakes and flooding. Despite popular belief (and scientific evidence) deaths due to natural diasters do not spread diasese; unless cause of widespread infection is due to contaminated water sources, malnutrition, residing in a third world country,access to healthcare and adequate bathroom facilities. These points are supported through statistics from the past twenty or more years.


Alexi Martin

This study addresses vulnerable popoulations because it centers around third world countries that are affected by natural disasters. It also supports the need for preparation for natural disasters. It addresses these populations by stressing the need to see the connection of those who cannot have access to clean water, food, etc in certain situations.