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The Isobar is long-term controlled cooling that is rechargeable anywhere in the world. It is using an automated valve which can detect the internal temperature and recharged using either  and internal electric heating element or propane burner. This design is also applied 2-phase ammonia-water absorption refrigeration which is invented by Einstein, and it is an simplest and powerful cooling technology for its size.



“The emotionally disturbed patient was punched multiple times in the face by the cops on July 20”

“Pt. was struck in the face by an officer ... pt. spit in the face of an officer, whereupon the officer punched the pt. in the face multiple times”

“After the first round of punches, the patient was "taken off the stretcher to the ground and restrained again, pt. was thrown by ESU again on to my stretcher”



There are many other cases shows that violence of the officers and prisoners. It is about the ethical and institution.

The article is not shows too much details of the case and process, its description might be lead reader to a deviation.