josh.correiraThe plan does not appear to address any specific population but the public in general.
The plan does not appear to address any specific population but the public in general.
The policy addresses how healthcare workers should respond to a suspected ebola incident. This is directly to public health because it affects how the public will receive medical care in the event of an ebola incident.
The plan was created in response to the few cases of ebola in the United States to “err on the side of caution” and be prepared for a possible outbreak, even if it is a very low possibility.
This policy directly affects first responders and technical professionals as they will be the ones interacting with patients and following the protocols outlined in this plan. First responders are required to recognize and report suspected ebola incidents, use appropriate PPE, and transport to appropriate facilities if feasible.
The policy applies to all healthcare workers in the state of NY (EMS, hospital staff, other medical personnel)
This policy directly affects first responders and technical professionals as they will be the ones interacting with patients and following the protocols outlined in this plan. First responders are required to recognize and report suspected ebola incidents, use appropriate PPE, and transport to appropriate facilities if feasible.
The policy was drafted by Governor Cuomo as well as the NYS DOH
The only major complaint in regards to the plan that I have found is that it costs the designated ebola treatment hospitals significant amounts of money for appropriate waste disposal of PPE used during treatment.
The NYS ebola preparedness plan was designed to outline the plan for responding to and preparing for ebola emergencies within the NYS health system